Himeji Mayor Kiyomoto responded to an interview with Sun TV after receiving a national emergency declaration.
"About the new coronavirus" Hideyasu Kiyomoto, Mayor of Himeji
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We will talk to Mayor Hideyasu Kiyomoto of Himeji City about the current situation and countermeasures for the new coronavirus in Himeji City, as well as the reopening of schools. Mayor Kiyomoto of Himeji City was a former professor of Tohoku University School of Medicine, and was commanded at the front line of the scene like this during the Great East Japan Earthquake. As a doctor, I will talk to Mayor Kiyomoto. ◎ First, there is a movement to declare an emergency even in Hyogo Prefecture. How can you accept this movement as the mayor? Mayor >> After all, the national declaration of emergency, mainly in Tokyo, where many infections have occurred. In addition, it is a densely populated area centered on Osaka. The coastal areas of Hyogo Prefecture, including Himeji City, are already within the commuting area, considering that you can get to Osaka in less than an hour by taking a new rapid train. In response to this emergency declaration, we are now the area of confirmed infection, but we take the decision of the country very seriously in the form of a semi-expansion area, From 17:00 today, I would like to strengthen the system by establishing the infection control headquarters stipulated in the Himeji City New Influenza Countermeasures Action Plan based on the New Corona Special Measures Law. Thank you for taking the time to relay before setting up the headquarters. On the 4pm catch program, I asked the mayor on Twitter for opinions about what I wanted to ask. In fact, the overwhelming majority was about school closures until the 6th of next month. Most of the opinions were about restarting the school and closing the school. In addition, there was an opinion that I would like more information disclosure on the behavior of positive people. What about the hospital where there was another outbreak? And as a doctor, I want to ask, is it okay to be afraid? I'll be listening as long as I have these times. ◎ First of all, the school, originally a public school in Himeji City, was scheduled to be restarted from today, but the mayor requested the Board of Education to suspend the school until May 6, and decided. Why is that the reason? Mayor: After all, the national policy is to declare an emergency. Until last week, a report from the Board of Education said that it was very suppressed within the cluster. Regarding the elementary and junior high schools, high schools, etc. that carry out compulsory education under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education After all, we have to discuss the simultaneous communication network, At least, the decision material was considered and prepared for the end of March. Among them, at the end of March, there was some containment due to cluster-only infection. I gave a go-ahead about the decision of the Board of Education. However, Prime Minister Abe's declaration of an emergency and on weekends, in Tokyo or the unknown transmission route, There was an outbreak of positive people who could become a new cluster in the future. There were times when we stopped some outpatient hospitals in the neighboring city of Takasago. After all, considering that it will stop the collapse of medical treatment, I wonder if we should proceed with a certain degree of self-restraint regarding the passage of people. For school students, we requested the Board of Education to close the school until May 6, so-called school closure. I would like to introduce some of the voices of citizens, but in response to the announcement of the emergency situation in Osaka Prefecture. The entrance ceremony and the opening ceremony after the 7th have been postponed. But why does Himeji City hold such entrance and opening ceremonies? ‥ ◎ At school, I couldn't take measures against sanmitsu, but I was told that Himeji had no choice but to obey. And one more thing, as a state of emergency is about to be issued, I think that the meaning of the entrance ceremony, the opening ceremony, and attending school twice a week is more important than academic ability. I have been canceling even a small one-day event, but there is a lot of anxiety about how to explain to my junior high school son, but what about the mayor? . Mayor: Frankly speaking, the opinions on twitter are important for certain thoughts, if not all citizens. First of all, it is because everyone has a misunderstanding, but the mayor should invoke strong power in the field of education. I'm the hospital director, and I can control everything about the hospital. There was the Board of Education system in postwar Japanese education.Because of political non-intervention, even the mayor must give priority to the decision of the Board of Education. This is why everyone in the Higashisuma Elementary School question is why Mayor Hisamoto is Isn't it possible to directly intervene in various gymnastics and bullying problems? In the same way, we take the decision of the Board of Education seriously and request it. Above all, I would like you to take safety measures firmly, so it is safe to expand the social distance (distance between each other) not only because of decentralized school attendance but also at the mammoth school where there is room for classrooms. I received a report that I could do it, so I had a ceremony as a milestone and then brought back a textbook. First of all, due to personnel changes in April, who is the homeroom teacher? I wonder if it can be done in the sense of making a milestone in the relationship of people with whom we are in the same class. ◎ Of course, the Board of Education has the authority, but do you think the opening ceremony is not a problem for the mayor? Mayor: For the past month, small children have a poor sense of clustering or infections in children's or nursery schools. In the meantime, there is a possibility that infection of children will occur. I've seen it in discussions with nursery schools all the time, but if you do social distances and disinfection on the spot, you can certainly hug nursery teachers and lick various things. If it doesn't occur even among preschool children who can't even say to mask, it's reconfirmed at the educational site that elementary school and junior high school students can separate themselves first and protect themselves. And then bring that idea back home. I also thought that it is necessary to continue to provide children with such a social distance at home as well as enlightenment on infection prevention and solid education. Next is the voice, but if the onset or stay is confirmed in the city, it is a positive patient. It was announced that we were making adjustments to the public such as where to stop by, in terms of actions in the city, specifying the time and place to a certain extent. Why hasn't it been announced yet? In addition, on Twitter, some mayor wants the mayor to send out information by himself. What about this Mayor: First about twitter. I don't actually do twitter. Why do you send something on twitter at work? It's difficult because I have to do a lot of other work. Instead, a news conference was held in the morning and evening, the phase changed, a new patient appeared, and a death case occurred. At such times, the mayor will experience it himself, and I will post information in the morning and evening. In fact, there is a fake on Twitter, including spoofing. Preventing such a thing, if you don't really control the facts now, it will become a rumors. Then, regarding the announcement of the action, at first it was announced without mentioning the national disclosure guidelines from the viewpoint of protecting personal information to some extent, but when the number of people increases For cluster tracking, it means that we are using a considerable number of personnel just to identify the concentrated contacts. Among them, conversely, for example, about a clustered hospital in Himeji city, a store, a business establishment, etc., about publicizing such things, of course, there are various hidden things at each business establishment. Even so, there is a dissemination of the rumor, so it is converse that you have to publish it at your own discretion. It seems that the criminal is currently being searched very much from the viewpoint of the Personal Information Protection Law, and even children in the medical field are subject to bullying. Those who are tweeted on twitter think that they are right, but many medical staff are very distressed. Himeji is a cluster of this kind, and it is the staff and medical staff in the field. It's also because I'm working hard. Isn't the old man tweeting on twitter so much and follow it? Considering that, the current situation is to give priority to information disclosure on the homepage, media, TV, newspapers, etc. in the morning and evening. I think there are both viewpoints of information disclosure and privacy. Next is the number of patients in Himeji City.As for the data on the number of infected people, PCR tests have been performed on 558 positive people so far, 25 were positive, and 12 were hospitalized, 2 were dead, and 11 were discharged. I will. ◎ Regarding the infection status in Himeji City, it could be said that some hospitals had clusters, but they are recovering. Mayor: Please take a look at this flip. First of all, regarding the hospital above, this is a hospital specializing in psychiatry, and it is very difficult to restrict behavior. The blockade there is that the on-site director and other on-site nurses are trying hard to separate the lead wires in the hospital between the dangerous area and the safe area. The place like the live house in the beginning of March is not a grandson cluster. Returnees from Spain also stop at the edge of the water. The problem now is the restaurant at night, as in Tokyo. There are also situations where you sing a song in a closed space. A person who has come into contact with business travelers and rich contacts from outside the prefecture in Tokyo. If you look at all this, the infection is not a local infection, but a cluster of confirmed infections.At the moment, there is only one unknown infection route.Considering this, for example, among the 530,000 citizens, this is considered to be less than one-thousandth of the normal number of patients considering the perennial seasonal influenza. . In that sense, I think that it is a public health center and the cooperation of citizens, and that each primary medical institution is being held down by the help of teachers and nurses at the secondary medical institution. ◎ Mayor, please give a message to the citizens at the end. Mayor: Well, I released this before, but A child gives out this pocket tissue to a small child
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