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[Take-out information] Take-out starts at the steakhouse "Low-in"
We have a reputation for being delicious in Himeji, and you can take out steaks, hamburgers, and other bento boxes at the Steak House "Loin"!
⭐︎ You can take out steaks, hamburgers, salads, etc.
 ⭐︎ Himeji Minami store and Aboshi store
 ⭐︎ Take-out menu is different between Himeji Minami and Aboshi
 ⭐︎ A restaurant in Himeji that is famous for its deliciousness!
 ⭐︎ Aboshi store has birthday packages!
Eat steaks, cheer up and overcome your self-restraint life! !!
Himeji south store
Enjoy the same quality at home as at a store.
 Take-out menu at Steak House Roin Himeji Minami.
 Please take the take-out product as soon as possible to provide it in the best condition.
Make a reservation at Himeji Minami store  Tel: 079-287-9569 
Aboshi shop
Due to the refraining from going out due to the outbreak of a new coronavirus infection, we are sorry that we could not celebrate the birthday at the store.
 I want you to have a special day and celebrate at home!
 Roin Aboshi offers a birthday package. Please use it.
 Please say "with birthday package" when ordering. We'll be expecting you.
Make a reservation at Aboshi store  Tel: 079-273-9909 

  Click here for the official Loin website! 


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