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Nationwide simultaneous fireworks project-launch fireworks-launch in Himeji City 
"Nationally simultaneous fireworks project-New fireworks-" on July 24 (Fri) 2020! Launch time is about 20 o'clock! 
目 次
  • Outline
  • Spirit
  • A fireworks can be launched somewhere in the evening 8 o'clock and one minute. I hope you can see clean fireworks. 
     Let's start New Japan-Fireworks of the beginning-  
    20:00 (about 1 minute half)  Holding place: 47 prefectures of the country  (1 to 2 places × 47 prefectures) 
    On July 24, Japan was the best day of Japan.
    From the world, a leading athletes gathered, and it should have been enthusiastic. I was preparing to meet the world with a lot of sports and watching the technology, and the Japanese hospitality.
    On July 24, the new year was the day.
    I thought there.
    If the corona is not converging, it will be a year ahead of the new year.
    No, there is no such thing.
    We are already ready to start a new year.
    Let's start if it is.
    New thoughts, new lives, work, learning, buy, play, play,
    Anything is good, if you think, you can be a lot of new.
    On July 24th, I started to be a new day.
    We will ring in the whole country, tonight, a seminar that starts a new summer tonight.
    Quoted source:  Himeji Youth Meeting Official Homepage  


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