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Akiko Ikeda Sign Meeting-Himeji Literature Market 30th Anniversary "Cat Dayhan 35th Anniversary Ikeda Akiko Property Exhibition" 
Ikeda Akiko Teacher's Additional implementation was decided. Please apply because it will be a pre-application system. 
Holding date: June 6 (Sun)  1 pm-2:40 «Pre-application system»  · 1 pm to 1:20 (1 to 20)  · 1:20 to 1:40 pm (21 to 40)  · 1:40 to 2 pm (41 to 60)  · 2 pm to 2:20 (61 to 80)  · 2:20 to 2:40 pm (81 to 100)  It will be implemented in five time zones.  You can specify the desired time zone when applying. 
Himeji Literature Hall Auditorium (Kitakan 3rd floor)! 
100 people (in the case of many applicants, lottery) 
Participation requirements 
Overtificate ticket (1st floor reception) of the day (1st floor of the Hitachikan), Young sales purchase receipt, Sign desired product  On the day, please come to the venue after purchasing the science target goods, book, print, and signing targets at the Museum Shop on the day.  Please check the Museum Shop for goods for the signing session. 
How to apply 
Please apply from the application form of the Himeji Literature Museum linked below (May 18 (Tuesday) can be applied from 9 am).  ※ We can not apply by phone, postcard, fax, Himeji Literature Museum.  •  Apply from a personal computer  Apply from smartphone  Apply from mobile phone  
Application deadline 
May 31 (Mon) 10:00 pm (in the case of a large number of applicants) 


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