"Ikeda Akiko" created by "Ikeda Akiko" from the birth of a cat, "Ikeda Akiko" created by the picture of "Ikeda"
What do you do? ?
— 神戸新聞 (@kobeshinbun) April 19, 2021
ダヤンと池田あきこ先生が大好きな皆様にはたまらない?!😻明日サンテレビはりまサタデー9 チェックですよ📺
— harako (@harakosama) April 30, 2021
現在姫路文学館さんは臨時休館中ですが、池田あきこ原画展の魅力をたっぷりとお届け🐈しかも今回はね、池田先生ご本人に会場をご案内頂きました😆お家でわちふぃーるどお楽しみください📖 pic.twitter.com/RGwsm6cCY3
— harako (@harakosama) April 30, 2021
はやく皆さんにお腹いっぱいたべてほしいよぉ〜😆#姫路文学館 #水屋珈琲 pic.twitter.com/TsVMB5fQDs
When are you doing? ?
Holding period: April 17, 202 (Sat) -June 6 (Sun) 10:00 am to 5 pm (admission to 4:30 pm) ※ Closed day: Every Monday, May 6 (Thu), ※ Thursday April 29 (Thu)-May 5 (Wed) [Notice of Resumption] We were closed temporarily, as we were closed in accordance with the coping policy of Himeji City with emergency declaration.
Where are you doing? ?
Hyogo Prefecture Himeji City Yamanomachi 84th Himeji Literature Museum Kitakan
phone number
What is the admission fee? ?
University, high school student
Junior high school, elementary school
700 yen
400 yen
200 yen
※ There are two groups of more than 20 people, ※ ※ permanent exhibition is also available ■ Credit card, electronic money, etc. can not be used.
Akiko Ikeda teacher signing session